摘要:目的 利用一系列的生物信息学软件分析了人CCN1 (Cyr61)蛋白的理化性质,获取该基因的相关因素。方法 利用Protparam、GOR4、Protfun、SingalP和SWISS-MODEL软件预测和分析CCN1 (Cyr61)基因编码蛋白的氨基酸组成、理论等电点、二级结构、卷曲螺旋、疏水性及三维结构。结果Cyr61基因编码的蛋白分子式为:C1795 H2898N526O548S44,理论等电点(pI)8.64。该蛋白含有51个α-螺旋,249个无规则卷曲,81个延伸链。该蛋白有信号肽,其剪切位点在24~25位氨基酸。总的亲水性平均系数(GRAVY)为-0.381,该基因预测不稳定性指数40.83%。结论 该蛋白推测是一个疏水性不稳定蛋白,属于分泌性糖蛋白。
关键词:CCN蛋白; Cyr61; 生物信息学; 理化性质
Abstract: Objective To obtain information of CCN1(Cyr61)protein in human, the physical and chemical properties of the CCN1 (Cyr61) protein in human were analyzed by a series of bioinformatics software. Methods The character of CCN1(Cyr61) protein in such as the constitution of amino acid, equipotential, second structure, coiled coil, hydrophobicity and three-dimensional structure were analyzed by the Protparam,GOR4,Protfun,SingalP,SWISS-MODEL software. Results Theoretical pI of this protein was 8.64, and the formula was C1795 H2898N526O548S44. The results also showed that CCN1(Cyr61) protein had 51α-helix, 249 Randdom coil, 81 Extended strand. The protein had a signal peptide, and the shear sites was between the 24~25 amino acid. The GRAVY was -0.381, and instability index of this protein was 40.83%. Conclusion It was a hydrophobic and unstable protein, belonged to secretory glycoprotein.
Key Words: CCN protein; Cyr61; Bioinformatics; the physical and chemical properties