摘要:[目的] 研究白藜芦醇四聚体化合物(vaticaffinol)对高尿酸血症小鼠生理生化指标的影响。[方法] 实验分10组,分别为对照组 (0.9%生理盐水),正常给药组(20、40、60mg/kg), 别嘌呤醇组(5mg/kg),模型组(250mg/kg氧嗪酸钾盐), 模型给药组(20、40、60mg/kg)和模型加别嘌呤醇组。 用剂量为250mg/kg的氧嗪酸钾盐给小鼠灌胃,建立高尿酸血模型, 每天一次,连续7天,第4天给药后上代谢笼,收集48小时尿液, 分别测定尿液尿酸、尿肌酐和尿液尿素氮含量。最后一次给药后1小时摘眼球取血, 测量血清尿酸、血清肌酐和血清尿素氮含量. [结果] 250mg/kg氧嗪酸钾盐能显著提高小鼠血清中尿酸、肌酐和尿素氮含量,而尿液中尿酸、肌酐和尿素氮含量则显著减少; 模型给药组中,20,40和60mg/kg的Vaticaffinol 能显著逆转这种现象,其中40mg/kg的Vaticaffinol与5mg/kg的别嘌呤醇作用效果相当,高于20和60的Vaticaffinol。[结论] 白藜芦醇四聚化合物Vaticaffinol具有降尿酸作用, 40mg/kg 为最佳剂量。
关键词 :白藜芦醇四聚体 ; 高尿酸血症 ; 别嘌呤醇;尿酸;肌酐;尿素氮
Abstract: [Objective] To study the effects of a resveratrol tetramers (vaticaffinol) on the physiological and biochemical quota of hyperuricemia mice. [Method] Ten experimental groups of mice were divided as follow: normal groups (control; 20,40,60mg/kg vaticaffinol and allopurinol), and model groups (control; 20,40,60mg/kg vaticaffinol and allopurinol). Hyperuricemic mice were orally administered in a volume of 10 ml/kg by gavage 250 mg/kg oxonate once daily for seven consecutive days. Mice were transferred into metabolic cages after 4-day treatment. Urine in 48 hours were collected to drtermine the content of urine uric acid, urine creatinine and urine urea nitrogen. Eyeballs were picked out and the blood was collected to determine the content of serum uric acid, serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen . [Results] 250mg/kg oxonate significantly improve the content of serum uric acid, serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen ,while the content of urine uric acid, urine creatinine and urine urea nitrogen in the urine were notably decreased in mice. The results of vaticaffinol model groups were obviously reversed. The reversed effect of 40mg/kg vatticaffinol was as the same as allopurinol model group, which effectively exceed the results of 40 and 60 mg/kg vaticaffinol. [Conclusion] The resveratrol tetramer, vaticaffinol, has distinct hypouricemic effect , 40mg/kg was the best dose.
Key words: Resveratrol Tetramer; Vaticaffinol; Hyperuricemia; Allopurinol; Uric Acid; Creatinine; Urea Nitrogen