关键词:鲜食型糯玉米;叶脉数; 叶片数;杂种优势;熟性;相关
Abstract: In order to study the relevance between venation and mature, the vein number were invested of 12 inbreds and 18 crosses combinations of fresh-eat waxy corn, and the correlation between the average vein number, vein number of ear three leaves, maximum vein number and mature were analyzed. Hybrid advantages of vein between different varieties were studied. The results show that vein number was positive relevant to leaves number; Relevance was different between various species. In general, relevance in inbreds was larger than in hybrid varieties; Mature was relevant to vein number, relevance in early-maturing varieties were larger than in late-maturing varieties. In the hybrid advantages of vein, the majority of hybrid varieties were transgressive.
Key words: fresh-eat waxy; corn vein number; mature; relation