With the increasingly close contact between China and the world, frequent economic exchanges and cultural collisions, cross-cultural communication skills tend to become the ultimate goal of English teaching. In university education, it is very important to cultivate college students' listening and speaking ability, especially in the background of cultural differences between the East and the West, how to cultivate the listening and speaking ability of college students have become the focus of the whole society. This paper first studies the significance of strengthening the cultivation of College Students' English, and then analyzes the current situation of College Students' English listening and speaking ability in the background of intercultural communication. Finally, the author puts forward the methods of Cultivating College Students' English listening and speaking ability.
Keywords: intercultural communication; college students; listening and speaking ability
1. Introduction.1
2. Literature Review1
3. The Importance of Cultivating College Students' Listening and Speaking Ability.3
3.1 The demand of real life.3
3.2 The demand of self-promotion.3
4. Present Situation of College Students' Listening and Speaking Ability.4
4.1 The weakness of students' English learning foundation.4
4.2 The weakness of students' listening and speaking skills5
4.3 The relative backwardness of teaching thought5
5. Causes of College Students' Poor Listening and Speaking Ability6
5.1 The psychological factors' influence6
5.2 Cultural differences' influence7
5.3 Mother tongue's influence.7
5.4 Teaching mode and method's obsolescence8
6. Methods of Cultivating College Students' Listening and Speaking Ability.8
6.1Enliven classroom atmosphere, strengthen listening and speaking.9
6.2 Launch English activities, train students' listening and speaking ability.10
6.3 The effective use of multimedia and network teaching11
6.4 Understand the various ethnical cultures through extra-curricular ways.12
7. Conclusion13
Works Cited.14