Abstract:From the 1950s, researchers of foreign language teaching have started the studies on error correction. The purpose of this paper is to explore English majors’ perceptions of classroom error correction, and then to make some comparisons between students’ perceptions and that of some foreign language teachers. The author designed a questionnaire for 153 English major students in Honghe University, and had an interview with ten English major’s teachers of many years teaching experience. The results showed that the participants’ English teachers adopted flexible methods in classroom error correction, for instance, 39.47% of the participants admitted that their English teachers would encourage self-correction, 35.76% admitted peer-review. besides,94.74% of students expressed the hope that the teachers could correct their errors whenever errors appear. 72.73% of the participants state the teachers would correct their pronunciation and intonation errors more than vocabulary (35.06%), grammar (55.84%) and content (49.35%). Then 95% students hope that teachers correct their errors on language, 83.69% students hope that teachers left seconds for thinking before give the right answer. In the end, the author provided some advices for effective error correction in future English teaching.
Key words: Error correction; feedback; influence
摘要:从上世纪 50 年代起,外语教学研究者们就开始了对课堂纠错行为的研究。本文旨在研究英语专业学生对英语课堂纠错行为的态度和看法, 并把他们的观点和教师平时采用的纠错方法相比较。作者对红河学院英语专业的153名学生进行了问卷调查,并对十名具有多年教学经验的英语教师进行了采访。研究结果显示,英语教师在课堂教学中会采用灵活的方式进行纠错,如39.47%的学生表示其英语教师在教学中鼓励自我纠错,35.76%的学生表示其英语教师鼓励同伴纠错。94.74%的学生表示希望教师在授课过程中对他们所出现的错误进行纠正,72.73%的学生表示教师在教学中倾向于纠正他们的语音语调,远胜于单词(35.06%),语法(55.84%)和表达内容(49.35%)。95%的学生希望老师能够对所犯语误进行纠正,83.69%的学生希望老师在给出正确答案之前给一定的思考时间。最后作者对于如何在英语教学中有效地纠正学生的错误提出了一些建议。
关键词:纠错; 反馈; 影响