Abstract:Report on the Work of the Chinese Government has always been a window, through which the international media can learn about China. It is intended to summarize the annual work carried out by our government in the previous year and the fruits achieved, and meanwhile to make the arrangement for the coming year, mainly covering politics, economy, people’s livelihood, national defense and so on. Therefore, it is not easy to do the C-E translation for annual RWG (the abbreviation of the Report on the Work of the Government). Also, the principle of fidelity is particularly important in the process of translation due to the seriousness, authenticity and authority of the document made by the official.
Under the translation principle of faithfulness, this paper mainly analyzes the translation skills employed in 2017 Report on the Work of the Chinese Government from lexical, syntactic and textual levels, which may be helpful for the translation of political texts.
Keywords: Report on the Work of the Government the principle of fidelity translation skills
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Background of the Research-1
1.2 Significance of the Research-1
1.3 Structure of the Thesis-1
Chapter Two Literature Review-2
2.1 Previous Researches-2
2.2 Theoretical Frame of the Thesis-2
2.2.1 The Style of Political Essays-2
2.2.2 The Translation Principle of Faithfulness-3
Chapter Three Translation Skills Employed in 2017 RWG-5
3.1 Translation Skills at the Lexical Level-5
3.1.1 To Omit Category Words-5
3.1.2 To Render the Concrete Meaning-6
3.1.3 To Convert Part of Speech-7
3.2 Translation Skills at the Syntactical Level-8
3.2.1 To Add Subject-8
3.2.2 To Keep Consistent in Tense-9
3.3 Translation Skills at the Textual Level-10
3.3.1 To Employ Pronoun for Anaphora-10
3.3.2 To Employ Conjunction for Cohesion-11
Chapter Four Conclusion-12
4.1 Major Findings of the Study-12
4.2 Limitations and Suggestions of the Study-12