Abstract:For years, western movies become more and more popular in China, and American cartoon movies have more Chinese audiences. But the problem is that most Chinese audiences do not have the ability to understand those movies well. Thus, those foreign movies need subtitle translation. Compared with other types of translation, the studies of subtitle translation are still not enough.
Basically, to deal with the relationship between source language culture and target language culture, both foreignizing method and domesticating method will be used in subtitle translation. This thesis uses the domesticating method to analyze the subtitle translation of an American cartoon movie Despicable Me. This report consists of four parts—background of the thesis, literature review, the analysis and a conclusion. The first part is an introduction to the background and significance of the thesis; the second part is the introduction to subtitle translation and domestication. The third part focuses on analyzing the translation of Despicable Me and discusses the use of domestication in subtitle translation. The last part is a conclusion, aiming to tell the advantage of domestication which can guide translators to achieve better results.
Key Words: Subtitle Translation Despicable Me Domestication
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Background and Significance-1
1.2 Structure of the Thesis-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 Previous Study on Subtitle Translation -4
2.2 Introduction to Domestication5
2.3 Previous Study on Domestication5
Chapter Three Application of Domestication in the Subtitle Translation of Despicable Me7
3.1 A Brief Introduction to Despicable Me -7
3.2 The Analysis of Translatin Methods Used in Despicable Me -7
3.2.1 Free Translation 7
3.2.2 Addition10
3.2.3 Reduction.10
Chapter Four Conclusion-12