As a new model for translation studies, eco-translatology attempts to describe and interpret the nature, process, standard and method of translation from an ecological perspective. Film as an artistic form with unique language expression has become one of the most popular mass arts, being treated as the seventh art after literature, music, dancing, opera, painting and sculpture. Film subtitle translation caters to the trend of cultural exchange and integration, which benefits audiences from diverse cultural backgrounds. Considering the importance of subtitle translation, it is of high value for translators to fully understand the essence of cultural backgrounds conveyed by the films and then translate subtitles correctly. This thesis attempts to have a brief analysis on the register translation of the film The Pursuit of Happyness from the perspective of eco-translatology, with the focus on how the original language system is transplanted or reproduced in the target language system from linguistic, cultural, communicative dimensions.
Keywords: eco-translatology; register translation; The Pursuit of Happyness
2.Literature Review2
2.1 Definition of register...2
2.2 A brief overview on eco-translatology....4
3.Register translation of the film The Pursuit of Happyness from the perspective of eco-translatology ...5
3.1 The register translation from linguistic dimension5
3.2 The register translation from cultural dimension....7
3.3 The register translation from communicative dimension9
4. Conclusion..11
Works Cited..12