Abstract: Idioms are crucial components of language, carriers of culture and crystallization of language. They generally come from daily life and are created by human beings through history, culture and life experience. Fruit idioms are common in western countries with distinct features and functions. The paper firstly introduces the features and functions of English fruit idioms and then discusses the translation methods of English fruit idioms under the guidance of Nida's Functional Equivalence theory. The study aims to enhance the accuracy of translation and promote the understanding and communication between Chinese culture and western culture.
Key words: English fruit idioms; Functional Equivalence theory; translation methods
1. Introduction-1
1.1 English Fruit Idioms-1
1.1.1 The Definition of English Fruit Idioms-1
1.1.2 The Functions and Features of English Fruit Idioms-2
1.2 Previous study-3
2. Functional Equivalence Theory-5
2.1 An Overview of Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory-5
2.1.1 The Requirements of Functional Equivalence-6
2.1.2 Feasibility of Functional Equivalence Theory in Translation of English Fruit Idioms-7
3.Translation Techniques of English Fruit Idioms-7
3.1 Literal Translation-8
3.2 Free Translation-9
3.3 The Combination of Literal Translation and Free Translation-12
3.4 Rhetorical Translation-14
4. Conclusions-17