Abstract: The Functional Equivalence Theory, put forward by American Eugene A Nida, is a kind of translation theory which provides a theoretical ground for the current tendency on the studies of translation of public signs. As part of public signs, campus public signs play an indispensable role in colleges and universities. To some extent, campus public signs can exert their positive influence. Any mistake or misunderstanding will lead to negative results; some mistaken campus public signs will damage the image of a college or university. This paper analyzes China campus public sign translation on the basis of functional equivalence theory. Through field surveys, a summary of the common problems and errors that exist in the translation of public signs in colleges and universities in China is made with an aim to explore the reasons, and to find the useful solutions to the quality translation of public signs for colleges and universities in China.
Key words: China campus public signs; functional equivalence theory; translation
1. Introduction-1
2. An Overview of Campus Public Signs-2
2.1 Definition of Campus Public Signs-3
2.2 Four Types of Campus Public Signs-4
2.3 Language Features of China Campus Public Signs-6
3. The Functional Equivalence Theory and Translation of Campus Public Signs-8
3.1 The Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory-9
3.2 Functional Equivalence Theory in Campus Public Signs Translation-10
4. Errors in Current Campus Public Signs Translation-11
4.1 Spelling Mistakes-11
4.2 Grammar Errors-12
4.3 Chinglish-13
4.4 Fuzziness in Meaning-13
4.5 Cultural Misunderstanding-14
5.Application of Functional Equivalence Theory to Campus Public Signs Translation-15
5.1 Context Anlysis-15
5.2 Principles of Campus Public Signs Translation-17
5.3. Strategies on Campus Public Signs Translation-19
References -23