《文月华的中国日记》全书共计二十七章,主要讲述的是作者雪莉·简·恩迪克特以主人公的口吻描述她的母亲--玛丽·恩迪克特和父亲—吉姆· 恩迪克特在中国生活期间所经历的事情。在本次翻译实践项目中,对该书的第十四至十六章内容(共计7513字)进行了翻译。
China Diary, The Life of Mary Austin Endicott, written by Shirley Jane Endicott, has twenty-seven chapters, which mainly tells the story of her parents -- Mary Austin Endicott and John Endicott, when they lived in China. In this translation practice, three chapters were chosen to be translated.
In chapter 14, the author recalled the memory when her parents worked as foster parents. During that time, in China, people who learned English were considered as a matter of the national humiliation. Students were rebellious and hard to deal with. Even worse, students who learned English were regarded as traitors. As a matter of fact, Shirley’s parents treated them with much care and patience. Finally, all of the students became outstanding.
Chapter 15 described the events happened in the autumn in 1938, when the author’s mother-- Mary Austin Endicott, returned from Mount Omei influenced by her friends. And then, Mary made a profound research about ‘egocentric’, furthermore, she has also made a conclusion about the symptoms of the people who were egocentric.
In chapter 16, the author described her mother’s inner world when she commuted from Chungking to Dan Dz Sih. Mary’s affection for China was reflected through the scenery which was depicted by her. We can experience Great changes that have taken place in China through the details of scenery, shops and so on.