To Sir, With Love is a short story written by a British Guiana novelist, E. R. Braithwaite. The novel mainly tells the story of a young black teacher, who was ostracized by the students at first, gradually influencing them with his own actions. Finally, those students were inclined to participate in learning and show great affection to the teacher, moved by the spirits of him.
Chapter 10 to 13 is a turning point for the teacher and the students to improve their relationship, and is the climax of the whole novel.
The main idea of Chapter 10 is that a wayward student was reading a dirty magazine in class. Then, the teacher noticed that and tore it up. As a result, this event intensified the contradiction between the teacher and the student. And it sows the seeds of the provocation that the student initiated.
Chapter 11 narrates the provocation in detail. In the boxing class, the student wanted to challenge the teacher. He asked the teacher to stage a boxing match with him. At the beginning, the teacher didn’t take it seriously. However, the student kept provoking, so the teacher got angry. At last, the teacher conquered him. Since then, the student began to respect the teacher and the relationship between them was largely improved.
Chapter 12 is about a trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum. The young black teacher and one of his female colleagues took the students to the museum. On the train, two women discriminated and insulted this black teacher. As soon as the students heard that, they defended the teacher against the discrimination. It showed that these students really accepted their teacher. Besides, this trip helped to further warm the relationship between the teacher and his female colleague.
Chapter 13 tells the story that this young black teacher was discriminated again when he wanted to rent a room. Interestingly, this time, the one who discriminated him was the mother of one of his students. After that, the student was too ashamed to meet the teacher and she kept asking her mother to apologize to the teacher. In order to please her daughter, the mother came to the school and apologized to the teacher. Finally, all contradictions were resolved and the student regained her smile.