Clarence Shepherd Day, born in New York City, as a writer and illustrator, graduated from Yale University in 1896. The following year, he joined the New York Stock Exchange. Day enlisted in the navy in 1898. He wrote many family memoirs, and the most famous work is the autobiographical Life with Father, which was adapted to be a classic Broadway’s play, and was produced a comedy of the same name later. This Simian world, The Crow’s Nest and Thoughts without Words are also his works. In Life with Mother, Day demonstrates an American middle-class mother figure with a relaxed and humorous tone as he used to do. Meanwhile, Day’s father also plays an important role in this book, always full of bond and contact between mother and father. Through a child's perspective to observe his mother's kindness, gentleness, sometimes even confusion and stubbornness. All those ordinary details show Day’s deep thoughts to his mother. Readers can feel this kind of pleasure and happiness through the common words.
The main translation of this content has four parts. The first is that mother decided to hire a poor German old lady to teach her German, for mother wanted to help the lady, and on the other hand, she wanted to give a surprise to father. However, mother could not study the German language indeed, then she came up with various ideas for truancy. At last, father had to be a student again.
The following is that under the influence of mother, father bought a boat we boys . With the help of an old whaling man, we simply remodeled the boat, and we brothers confidently drove on our own ‘luxury yacht’ towards farther distant. Unfortunately, due to improper operation , our boat scraped several yachts in the shore freshly painted. In the end, we had to pretend to be calm when attending the party on these yachts.
Later, the translation is about that father wanted mother to learn riding. He first asked mother to ride our own horse, named old Dick. However, mother didn’t do that finally, because a train frightened Dick and made it lose control. Hense father had no sufficient reason to persuade mother.
The last part is about that mother came to think that an engagement ring was very important to her in the communication with her partners . Although father bought her some other rings later, mother still kept right on wanting an engagement ring.