本文着重于分析导游词的翻译技巧—让外国人理解中国旅游景点最直接的方式。本文主要分析例如信息翻译不完整以及翻译技巧不当等错误,正确的翻译技巧也会有提及。因此文化空白将导致词汇空白和文化冲突等很多问题。语言风格和修辞的差异是导游词翻译中另一个需要注意的障碍。本文将详细分析导游词翻译过程中的中西方文化因素。在导游词翻译中也需充分考虑到文化差异的影响和翻译技巧。本文主要从宗教信仰、社会习俗、思维方式以及饮食文化四个方面分析了中西方国家之间的文化差异。为了克服这些文化差异,本文将介绍旅游翻译中常见的七种翻译技巧,如:增添、删减、重构、加注、归化&异化、类比以及意合。 本论文旨在研究中西方文化差异视角下导游词翻译策略。总之,译者应遵循翻译原则。以中国文化为取向,译者应灵活使用有效的翻译策略,按照标准准确、生动地翻译导游词。然后我们可以实现旅游信息的预期功能,促进中国旅游业的发展。
Table of Contents
1. Introduction-1
1.1 The Background of the Research-1
1.2 The Significance of the Research-1
2. Literature Review-2
Previous Studies on Translation Strategies of Tour Guide Presentation-2
3. Overview of Translation in Tour Guide Presentation-3
3.1 The Translation Situation of Tour Guide Presentation-3
3.2 Difficulties in Tour Guide Presentation Due to Chinese and Western Cultural Differences-4
3.2.1 Lexical Blindness and Conflicts Caused by Cultural Vacancy and Shock-4
3.2.2 Differences between Style and Rhetoric in the Text-4
3.3 The Reflections of Chinese and Western Cultural Differences in Tour Guide Presentation-5
3.3.1 Religious Belief-5
3.3.2 Social Customs-5
3.3.3 Ways of Thinking-6
3.3.4 Food Culture-6
4. Translation Strategies of Tour Guide Presentation from the Perspective of Chinese and Western Cultural Differences-7
4.1 Amplification-7
4.2 Omission-8
4.3 Restructuring-10
4.3.1 Restructuring of the Structure of the Original Sentence-10
4.3.2 Restructuring of the Style of the Original Sentence-11
4.4 Annotation-12
4.5 Adaptation & Alienation-13
4.6 Analogy-14
4.7 Parataxis-15
5. Conclusion-15