Skopostheorie is an important theory of Functionalist Translation Theory. With the introduction, development, and application of the theory, its influence is expanding in China. Literary works Harry Potter have been sought after by readers around the world for a long time, triggering all aspects of research and discussion. This thesis focuses on study of the acceptability of the two Chinese versions (Ma’s version and Tai’s version) of Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince from the perspective of the Functionalist Skopostheorie. The study has shown that Ma Ainong and Ma Aixin’s translation version is more suitable for adults, while Taiwan’s version is better for children to read. To conclude, translation of literary works, which are based on the angel of readers, is more acceptable and more understandable, so readers will welcome this kind of translation.
Keywords: Skopostheorie; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince; acceptability
1. Introduction-1
1.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince-1
1.2 Background of the Research-2
2. Skopos Theory-3
2.1 Introduction of Skopostheorie-3
2.2 Development of Skopostheorie-4
3. Three Major Rules of Skopostheorie-6
3.1 Skopos Rule-6
3.2 Coherence Rule-6
3.3 Fidelity Rule-7
4. Contrastive Study of the Two Chinese Versions-7
4.1 Guided by the Skopos Rule-7
4.2 Guided by the Coherence Rule-9
4.3 Guided by the Fidelity Rule-10
5. Conclusion-11
Works Cited-13