
  • 需要金币1000 个金币
  • 资料目录论文助手 > 外语研究 > 英汉对比 >
  • 转换比率:金钱 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币
  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2017-09-03
  • 论文字数:6242
  • 课题出处:(佩佩教授)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文


Abstract:In the field of intercultural communication, it is a permanent topic about the diversity between China and America. There are many differences between the two countries in the aspects of ideology and traditional values, among which the difference in core value results from American individualism and Chinese collectivism. This thesis analyzes and studies the cause and influence of Chinese "collectivist" culture and American "individualism" cultural in their counties on the basis of cultural values, exploring their positive roles in intercultural communication. As it is known to all, “collectivism” is an important and dispensable part in Chinese culture, and "individualism" also plays an important role in American culture. Understanding these differences can help us promote an effective intercultural communication between Chinese and Westerners.


Keywords:individualism;collectivism;intercultural communication






1.1 The current study on Chinese and American cultures from the perspective of individualism and collectivism Dimension-4

1.2 The importance and significance of the study on Chinese and American cultures-5

2. Understanding culture and Chinese and American Cultures-5

2.1 Definitions of culture and related characteristics-5

2.2 Definitions of intercultural communication and related characteristics-6

2.3 Features of Chinese culture-6

2.4 Features of American Culture-7

3 .Understanding Individualism and Collectivism-8

3.1 Chinese culture and its collectivism-8

3.2American culture and its individualism-9

4. The differences between Chinese and American cultures from the perspective of Individualism and Collectivism-10

4.1 Identity Cognition-10

4.2 Marriage-10

4.3 Literature-11

4.4 Education-12

4.5 Sports-12




