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  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2016-09-27
  • 论文字数:5551
  • 课题出处:(小萌男)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文


Abstract:Each area has its own unique social customs. The thesis investigates the differences between Chinese and Western customs to diet as an example. Food, as an essential prerequisite for human being existence, plays an important role no matter in east or west, in ancient times or modern times. It is irreplaceable to the development of society and the progress of the civilization of human society. But not all human beings have the same food or dietary habits, as old English saying "One man's meat is another man's poison". The term of Food Culture is a general concept, which involves natural science, social science and philosophy. It is also a category of culture, in which the narrow sense and broad sense of culture can be clarified and also be understood. The research about the Chinese and Western food cultures is sporadic, especially the contrastive study on Chinese and Western food cultures. So the author makes systematic comparisons about Chinese and Western diet cultures, and also proposed that the Chinese and western food cultures should be in harmony. 


Key words: food; cultural differences; development





Chapter 1 Introduction4

Chapter 2 Theoretical Foundation: Cultural Relativity Theory4

2.1 The Notion of Cultural Relativity.4

2.2-The Background of Cultural Relativity5

Chapter 3 Differences and the Analysis of the Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Food Culture.6

3.1 Different Concepts between Chinese and Western Food Cultures6

3.1.1Formalization simplification.6

3.1.2Quiet-Oriented &Noisy-Oriented.6

3.2 Different Etiquettes between Chinese and Western Food Culture7

3.2.1 Different Tableware.7

3.2.2 Different Time Value7

3.3 Different Value.8

3.3.1 The Collectivism of Chinese dominant value8

3.3.2 The Individualism of Western dominant value8


Chapter 4 The Blend of Chinese and Western Food Culture.9

Chapter 5 Conclusion.9



