中文摘要:这个世界多姿多彩,而“黑”与“白”作为一对最为明显的对比色,在我们的日常生活中占据了无可替代的地位。无论是视觉上还是情感上,这两种颜色都对人类产生了巨大影响。尽管人们在某种程度上对这两种颜色都有相似的理解,然而,根据历史事件、社会制度、宗教信仰和传统文化等因素的不同,西方和中国之间对“黑”与“白”的理解上存在较大的差异。现今,社会飞速发展,我们的日常生活越来越需要跨文化交流。本研究通过文献调查法, 分析对比分析英汉之间颜色词“黑”与“白”的象征意义上的相同点与不同点,旨在展现颜色词汇的重要位置,从而了解英语与汉语的特点和避免在翻译工作和跨文化交际过程中的错误表达。除此之外,通过分析,了解差异背后的宗教,历史,社会环境等多方面原因。
1. Introduction1
1.1 Research Background..1
1.2 Research Purpose and Significance.1
1.3 Structure of the Thesis .2
2. Literature Review3
2.1 The Definition of Color Symbolism3
2.2 Related Research at Home and Abroad3
3. The Symbolism of “Black”.5
3.1 The Similarities of the Symbolism of “Black” between the West and China5
3.1.1 “Black” Symbolizes “Dark”.5
3.1.2 “Black” Symbolizes “Unjustified” and “Evilness”5
3.1.3 “Black” Symbolizes “Negative” and “Angry”.5
3.2 The Differences of the Symbolism of “Black” between the West and China.6
3.2.1 “Black” Symbolizes “Death” and “Misfortune” in the West6
3.2.2 “Black” Symbolizes “Solemn” in the West6
3.2.3 “Black” Symbolizes “Loyalty” and “Integrity” in China6
3.3 Conclusion.7
4. The Symbolism of “White”8
4.1 The Similarities of the Symbolism of “White” between the West and China.8
4.1.1 “White” Symbolizes “Light”8
4.1.2 “White” Symbolizes “Sinless” and “Clear”.8
4.2 The Differences of the Symbolism of “White” between the West and China8
4.2.1 “White” Symbolizes “Innocent” and “Happiness” in the West.9
4.2.2 “White” Symbolizes “Peace” and “Lose” in the West9
4.2.3 “White” Symbolizes “Death” and “Misfortune” in China.9
4.2.4 “White” symbolizes “Common” in China10
4.3 Conclusion.10
5. The Reason behind the Differences of Chinese and Western Symbolism of “Black” and “White”12
5.1 Religious Belief12
5.2 Historical Events13
5.3 Social Environment13
5.4 Work of Art14
5.5 The Communication between the West and China14
6. Conclusion15
6.1 Findings15
6.2 Limitations and Suggestions16