The film Shanghai Calling, written and directed by Daniel Hsia, describes Sam’ s intercultural adaptation experience in Shanghai. On the surface, it seems that the film shows a conflict caused by an intellectual property case, in fact, it shows the collision and conflict between the two different cultures in Sam’ s intercultural communication. Intercultural adaptation is of great significance in today’s globalized world. And this movie offers a typical case to people to understand intercultural adaptation. Therefore, in this thesis we will analyze the conflicts and fusions between Chinese and American cultures in intercultural communication from the perspective of intercultural adaptation and with some theoretical research on intercultural adaptation. By analyzing the cultural conflicts and fusions in the film, we hope to help people realize the significance of cultural adaptation, then increase the ability of intercultural adaptation, and finally succeed in intercultural communication.
Keywords: Shanghai Calling; intercultural communication; conflict; fusion;
intercultural adaptation
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
3. The Theory of Intercultural Adaptation-3
3.1 The definitions of intercultural adaptation-3
3.2 The models of intercultural adaptation-4
3.3 The factors of intercultural adaptation-6
4. The Analysis in Shanghai Calling-8
4.1 The cultural conflicts in Shanghai Calling-8
4.2 The cultrural fusions in Shanghai Calling-11
5. Conclusion-13
Works Cited-14