Jade Snow Wong’s Fifth Chinese Daughter is the famous work as autobiographical novel and it laid solid foundation for the prosperity of female Chinese American literature. The autobiography is about the story of second-generation Chinese American girl Jade Snow Wong’s rough process of growth in the United States. She finally realizes the real meaning of successful growth that she gets the dual recognition of the family and society and becomes a famous ceramist through exploring in lost and regression after struggle. The thesis aims at discussing Jade Snow Wong’s autobiographical novel of Fifth Chinese Daughter, the definition of Chinese American literature and the overview of Initiation story. On this base, bewilderment, agony and struggle about racial discrimination, gender prejudice and educational method in her growth in the intercultural environment are analyzed. To know more about Jade Snow’s double recognition from her family and the society , it finally displays her achievements gained both in her work and in society.
Keywords: Jade Snow Wong; Fifth Chinese Daughter; Chinese American literature; intercultural communication
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
2.1 Jade Snow Wong and Fifth Chinese Daughter-2
2.2 The definition of Chinese American literature-3
2.3 An overview of Initiation story-4
3. Bewilderment, agony and struggle in her growth-6
3.1 Racial discrimination-6
3.2 Gender prejudice-7
3.3 Educational method-8
4. Achievements of her growth process-8
4.1 In her work-8
4.2 In society-9
5. Conclusion-11
Works Cited-12