Courtesy exists everywhere. Courtesy languages are the significant part of cultures. Therefore, different countries have different courtesy principles. At the beginning, this paper introduces principles of courtesy. By referring to different principles of Chinese and Western courtesy languages, the paper makes a comparison between them to clarify the causes and countermeasures of the differences. A comparative study of the similarities and differences of the courtesy maxims indicates the essence of Western and Chinese cultures. Therefore, the study of this subject can contribute to helping people to use the language politely and avoiding the cultural conflicts. Finally, the paper aims at assisting readers to have a comprehension and master of cultural difference and have intercultural communication in a right way instead of making mistakes.
Keywords: courtesy principles; courtesy language; countermeasures
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
3. Different Principles of Courtesy in China and Western Countries-3
3.1 Courtesy principles of Chinese courtesy language-3
3.2 Courtesy principles of Western courtesy language-4
4. Comparison of Courtesy Language between Chinese and Westerners-6
4.1 Comparison of greetings-6
4.2 Comparison of compliments-7
4.3 Comparison of thanks-9
4.4 Comparison of apologies-10
5. Reasons for the Differences and Countermeasures in Communication-11
5.1 Reasons for the differences-11
5.2 Countermeasures in communication-12
6. Conclusion-13
Works Cited-15