With the deepening development of global economic integration, intercultural communication among countries has become increasingly frequent in the fields of economy, politics,science and technology. But geographical environments and the historical origins of different countries formed their own inherent cultural backgrounds. Therefore, different value orientations, thinking modes, social norms, pragmatic rules and other factors have become potential barriers of cross-cultural communications. It may reduce the efficiency of communication, even contribute to the cultural conflict. Translation is the transformation of language form, and the transmission of cultural information.
To translate excellent advertising works more and realize the function of advertising, this paper achieves three goals. First, compare Eastern with Western advertising language characteristics and cultural connotation through contrast analysis. Second, explore the appropriate methods and strategies of translation to reduce the misunderstanding of advertising comprehension between the two parties. Third, make people understand and comprehend advertising phenomenon more profoundly in cross-cultural communication.
In order to solve the problem of cultural conflicts that faced advertising creation and translation effectively, and to give a helping hand to the trade development between the two parties, it put forward higher requirements to researchers. It is necessary for them to have further study in the advertising translation, such as paying attention to the characteristics of language, exploring the strategies and methods of advertising translation more deeply and so on.
Key word:Cross cultural, advertising language, advertising translation
1. Introduction-2
2. Reasons of cultural differences-3
2.1 Differences in living environment-3
2.2 Historical differences-3
2.3 Differences in social customs-3
2.4 Religious differences-4
2.5 Differences in thinking mode-4
3. Cross cultural interpretation of advertising language-6
3.1 Advertising translation strategies in cross-cultural communication-6
3.1.1 Literal translation-6
3.1.2 Liberal translation-7
3.1.3 Amplification-7
3.1.4 Omission-8
3.1.5 Transliteration-8
3.1.6 The combination of transliteration and liberal translation-9
3.1.7 Meaning association method-9
3.2 Principles of translation of advertising language in cross cultural communication-10
3.2.Respecting national psychological differences-10
3.2.2 Adapting to popular aesthetic psychology -10
4. Conclusion-12