It is commonly believed that nowadays the world has become a global village. Intercultural communicative competence (ICC), the ability to communicate with people effectively in an intercultural situation, has also been recognized as soft skills in a globalized world. However, intercultural communicative competence cannot be developed automatically even in a multinational working environment where stereotypes may replace deeper understanding. Therefore systematic training is essential. This paper examines an AIESEC voluntary project whose primary goal is to foster the development of volunteering participants’ intercultural communicative competence. In this paper, intercultural behavioral assessment indices (IBAI) has been used as a tool to assess how workshops and effective reflection facilitate volunteers’ exploring new culture, learning to appreciate the diversity of culture and cooperate with each other. It is concluded that through AIESEC program, the participants have become globally competent citizens, being sensitive to different cultures and confidently facing culture shock.
Key words: intercultural communicative competence; intercultural behavioral assessment; AIESEC project.
摘 要
I. Introduction-1
II. Intercultural Communicative Competence-2
2.1 Definition of Intercultural Communication-2
2.2 Definition of Intercultural Communication Competence-2
2.3 Intercultural Behavioral Assessment Indices (IBAI)-3
III. What is AIESEC-5
IV. A Case Study--The Development of ICC through International Internship Program-5
4.1 Introduction of the project-5
4.2 The workshop: approach-5
4.3 The workshop---content-5
4.3.1 Application-6
4.3.2 Pre-departure-6
4.3.3 Arrival-7
4.4 Reflection Meeting-9
V. Discussion-10