Abstract:Culture shock is a cultural phenomenon which is widespread in intercultural communication. Nowadays, the growing trend of globalization accelerates intercultural communication. Thus, more and more people experience culture shock and it arouses great concerns among people now. Culture shock can cause severe psychological and physical problems during the process of intercultural communication. Therefore, to alleviate the discomfort or depression caused by culture shock, sojourners should be aware of culture shock. This thesis outlines the definition and symptoms of culture shock, pointing out its general phases and providing several countermeasures which in particular emphasize the use of intercultural training to mitigate the negative effects. the. This study attempts to be a great help to make culture shock a less stressful experience and promote the efficiency of intercultural communication.
Keywords: culture shock; intercultural communication; sojourner; countermeasures; intercultural training
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
3. The Phenomenon of Culture Shock-2
3.1 Definition of Culture Shock-2
3.2 Symptoms of Culture Shock-3
3.3 Causes of Culture Shock-4
4. Phases of Culture Shock-5
4.1 The Honeymoon Phase-6
4.2 The Negotiation Phase-6
4.3 The Adjustment Phase-6
4.4 The Mastery Phase-7
4.5 The Re-entry Shock Phase-7
5. Strategies for Managing Culture Shock and the Significance-9
5.1 Intercultural Communication Competence-9
5.2 Contact with the Host Culture-10
5.3 Intercultural Training-11
5.4 Significance of Culture Shock-12
6. Conclusion-13
Works Cited-15