Abstract: Both parties want to be respected and understood in international business negotiations. Owing to this, it’s a required quality for negotiators to be armed with knowledge about certain business etiquette. America is a main trade partner to China and there are great differences between them due to different cultural background. From a cross-cultural perspective, this paper describes the differences in Sino-American business etiquette in terms of gift-giving, banquet, greeting and negotiation style; then it analyzes the reasons for these differences with respect to values, beliefs, norms and behavior patterns; finally, some suggestions are offered for the purpose of achieving desired results.
Key words: business negotiation, etiquette, cross-culture perspective
摘要:在国际商务谈判中,双方都渴望得到对方的尊重与理解。因此,懂得并掌握必要的礼仪,是谈判人员必备的素养。美国是中国的主要贸易伙伴之一,由于文化背景的不同,两国在商务礼仪上存在着较大的差异。本文从跨文化的角度,先描述了中美双方在馈赠礼品礼仪, 宴会礼仪,见面礼仪,谈判礼仪等方面存在的差异; 接着从价值观、信仰、规范、行为方式等层面探讨了存在这些差异的原因;最后提出相应的建议,使谈判取得预期的效果。