Abstract:In this thesis, the author tries to analyze the differences between Chinese and American on fostering kids from the cross-cultural perspectives in order to understand the cultural differences between Chinese and Americans in family concepts. The reason for Chinese parents fostering children is mostly to continue the family line and to provide for them when they are old, whereas the reason why American parents foster children is mainly that the kid is lovely and it is natural to have a baby. The different concepts of fostering children incarnate the different family values between Chinese and Americans, which root in the cultural differences between Chinese and Americans. Just as Chinese Confucianism and Daoism play an important role in forming Chinese value system, Americans take religion -- Puritanism and individualism as American value system. By analyzing the root of Chinese culture, we learn that Confucianism takes kindred as a basis, that the family is a living cosmos in Chinese heart and filial piety incarnate in peacetime life. As to Puritanism doctrine, it gestates individualism, and individualism makes American ignore filial piety, which is important in Chinese tradition. Therefore, in China, fostering children is the obligation and responsibility of society and family, while the motivation of fostering children in America is interest and self-freedom. This thesis is to study the concepts of the family through the Sino-US differences by comparison, to find out the advantages and disadvantages of their families’ value concepts in each culture backgrounds, to analyze the reason, and to learn from American’s advantages to offset our weakness.
Key words: concept of fostering children; family value; Confucianism; Puritanism Doctrine; individualism