Abstract: Nathaniel Hawthorne is a prestigious novelist in America. His masterpiece The Scarlet Letter is hailed as the most reputable novel in Romantic works. The Scarlet Letter tells a tragic story in seventeenth century where Hester Prynne gradually transforms from a criminal guilty of adultery who suffers rejection to a respectable feminist through her persistent revolt. By applying feminist critical theory, this thesis aims to analyze Hester’s feminist consciousness in her transformation and to explore the third new type of female Hawthorne creates. Feminist criticism focuses on female writers and their works and encourages women to create their own literary works. Recently, it has shifted to affirm women’s value on the foundation of women’s life experience.
Key words: Nathaniel Hawthorne; The Scarlet Letter; Hester Prynne; feminist criticism
1. Introduction1
2. Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter.2
2.1 Introduction to Nathaniel Hawthorne
2.2 The Synopsis of The Scarlet Letter
3. Feminist Criticism .4
3.1 Feminist Critical Theories
3.2 Feminist Methodology
4. Hester’s Feminist Consciousness.5
4.1 The Initial Period
4.2 The Developing Period
4.3 The Maturity Period
5. Hawthorne’s Third New Type of Female through Hester8
5.1 The Pursuit of Independence
5.2 The Passion for Equality
6. Conclusion10