1. Introduction-5
1.1 Introduction to Hemingway-5
1.2 Introduction to the novel-6
1.3 Importance of the research-7
1.4 Purpose of the research-7
2. Literature Review-7
2.1 Researches from the aspect of the themes-8
2.2 Researches from the aspect of the characters-10
2.3 Researches from the aspect of the writing style-11
2.4 Achievement and existing problems on recent researches-11
3. Analysis of the Characters’ Attitudes towards Love-15
3.1 Analysis of Frederick Henry-15
3.2 Analysis of Catherine Barkley-17
3.3 Analysis of other key roles in this novel-18
3.3.1 Analysis of Rinaldi-18
3.3.2 Analysis of the priest-19
4. Analysis of Ernest Hemingway’s Attitudes towards Love-19
4.1 Analysis of the image of "Rain" in the novel-19
4.2 Love is a game for recreation and fun-19
4.3 Love is a conquest-20
4.4 Love is the antidote-22
4.5 Love is a tragedy-23
5. Analysis of the Causes of Hemingway’s Attitudes towards Love-25
5.1 The historical and cultural cause-26
5.2 The social cause-27
5.2.1 The World War I-27
5.2.2 Views of “The Lost Generation”-28
5.3 The author’s living experiences-29
6. Conclusion-30