1. Introduction..1
1.1 A Brief Introduction to William Faulkner..1
1.2 A Brief Introduction to the Sound and the Fury.2
1.3 Polyphony Theory..3
1.3.1 The Development of Polyphony Theory.3
1.3.2 The Research Contents of Polyphony Theory.... 4
1.4 Research Questions5
1.5 The Purpose and Significance of the Research..5
1.6 Thesis Formation6
2. Literature Review...7
2.1 Situation of Study at Abroad.7
2.2 Situation of Study at Home.8
3. Polyphony Theory in the Sound and the Fury.10
3.1 From the Perspective of Narrative Structure: Multi- angle Narration..10
3.1.1 The First-person Narration..11
3.1.2 Significance of Time...12
3.1.3 Repetitive Narration..13
3.1.4 Summary...16
3.2 From the Portrayal of the Caddy and Quentin: Dialogic Theory.16
3.2.1 The Great Dialogue: Caddy.17
3.2.2 The Micro Dialogue: Quentin.19
3.2.3 Summary...20
4. Effects of Polyphony Theory in the Sound and the Fury22
4.1 Deepening the Theme.22
4.2 Exposing the Despair of Human Nature.23
4.3 Summary..23
5. Conclusion25