中文摘要: 作为在一战期间的作品,威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆创作的这本《月亮和六便士》,承载了当时人的迷失和反抗。多年过去,这部小说的非但没有丧失魅力,反而因为时光的打磨而历久常新,皆因无论世事如何变改,人生的意义永远萦绕在人们的头脑中,甚至值得花一辈子的时间去探索、寻求。本文的主要目的是通过基于小说的文本例证来分析其主要人物的特征,进而提炼和深化小说的主题。
1.1 Introduction to WSomerset Maugham1
1.2 The Moon and Sixpence and Its Writing Background .2
2Characteristics of Charles Strickland.4
2.1 Starting from Nothing4
2.1.1 Anything but Ordinary .4
2.1.2 Pursuing Nothing but the “Moon” 6
2.2 From Nobody to Genius 7
2.2.1 Never Really What It “Seems” .7
2.2.2 The Road to Genius 7
2.2.3 Extraordinary Determination 10
2.3 A Combination of Ordinary and Extraordinary11
3.Characteristics of Dirk Stroeve13
3.1 A Perfect Friend .13
3.1.1 Perfect in a Positive Way.13
3.1.2 Imperfectly Perfect .13
3.2 A Perfect Lover.15
3.2.1 A Perfect Lover15
3.2.2 A Perfect Lover with Imperfections16
3.3 Getting Lost in Perfection .17
3.4 Perfect v.sImperfect18
4.The Reflections of Charles Strickland19
4.1 Characteristics of Abraham19
4.1.1 A Hybrid of Ordinary and Extraordinary19
4.1.2 A “Moon chaser” 19
4.1.3 The Twin flame of Charles Strickland 20
4.1.4 Functions: Highlighting Characteristics and Revealing the Theme20
4.2 Characteristics of Alec Carmichael .21
4.2.1 A “Lucky Dog” 21
4.2.2 A “Sixpence Digger” .21
4.2.3 Functions: Highlighting Characteristics And Revealing the Theme.22
4.3 Characteristics of Captain Brunot22
4.3.1 A Risk Taker .22
4.3.2 A “Moon Creator” .22
4.3.3 Function: Highlighting Characteristics.23
5.1 Question: The Moon or Sixpence? 24
5.1.1 The Meaning of the Title.24
5.2 Answers to the Question.25
5.2.1 Charles Strickland’s Answer and His “Moon” .25
5.2.2 Dirk Stroeve’s Answer and His “Moon” 25
5.2.3 Abraham & Captain Brunot’s Answers and Their “Moon” 25
5.2.4 Alec Carmichael’s Answer and His “Sixpence” .26
5.3 Choices and Responsibility .26
5.4 Self-Esteem, Self-Love and Value of Existence.27
5.4.1 Begging from the Outside.27
5.4.2 Seeking from the Inside.28
5.4.3 Who to Define the Value of Existence? 28