Chapter one Introduction-1
1.1 Background and Significance of the Study-1
1.2 Layout of the Present Study.-1
Chapter Two Literature Review-2
2.1 Previous Studies on C-E Prose Translation-2
2.2 Previous Studies on Zhang Peiji’s Selected Modern Chinese Prose Writings-2
2.3 Previous Studies on the Adaptation Theory in Translation-3
Chapter Three Application of Adaptation Theory to Prose Translation-4
3.1 An Brief Introduction to Adaptation Theory-4
3.2 Contextual Adaptability in Selected Modern Chinese Prose Writings (Ⅰ)-4
3.2.1The Mental World-4
3.2.2 The Social World-5
3.2.3The Physical World-6
3.3 Structural Adaptability in Selected Modern Chinese Prose Writings (Ⅰ)-7
3.3.1 The Lexical Level-7
3.3.2 The Syntactic Level-8
3.3.3 The Discourse Level-9
Chapter Four Conclusion-10