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  • 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Compliment is a kind of important polite speech act, which plays an important role in the intercultural communication between the Chinese and the English. Because of different social backgrounds and cultural values between the English and the Chinese, the compliments, in English and Chinese culture, have their own characteristics. Using English learners’ compliments as examples, I want to make an analysis of the characteristics of compliments in English and Chinese in terms of their language form, topic distributions, response strategies, and pragmatic principles, and through the comparison of Chinese and English compliment, to analyze English learner’s pragmatic failure caused by these differences between Chinese and English compliments. It is necessary for us to understand these differences and reduce misunderstandings in the cross-cultural communication between the Chinese and the English, and to improve our communicative ability.


Keywords: compliment; pragmatic failure; difference; cross-cultural   communication





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Theoretical Basis for This Research-2

3.1 Definition of Compliment-2

3.2 Definition of Pragmatics-3

3.3 Definition of Pragmatic Failures-3

4. Causes of English Learners’ Pragmatic Failures in Using English Compliments-4

4.1 Differences in Language Forms-4

4.2 Differences in Topic Distribution-6

4.3 Differences in Response Strategies-7

4.4 Differences in Pragmatic Principles-8

5. Strategies to Avoid Pragmatic Failures in Using English Compliments-11

5.1 Making Clear the Relationship Between Language and Culture-11

5.2 Intensifying Communication Practice with Native English Speakers-12

5.3 Adapting to the Social Context-13

6. Conclusion-14

Works Cited-16

