Since China entered the WTO, not only different kinds of foreign products have entered domestic market, but also more and more Chinese products have walked out of China. To the electric appliance exporters fighting for a place in oversea markets, the English translation of user manuals, which is known as the bridge linking producers and consumers, has tremendous influence on the sales. This essay makes a detailed analysis of the linguistic features, text functions, C-E translation problems of electric appliance manuals with examples and the causes. Besides, it talks about the translation methods of user manuals according to the skopostheorie of German School of functionalist theory, in the hope that the C-E translation of electric appliance manuals will be improved.
Key words: electric appliance manual; linguistic features; text functions; C-E translation rules; skopostheorie
1. Introduction-1
2. On Electric Appliance Manuals-1
2.1 Definition of Electric Appliance Manuals-1
2.2 Linguistic Features of Electric Appliance Manuals-2
3. Introduction to the Skopostheorie-5
4. Application of the Skopostheorie to C-E Translation of Manuals-7
4.1 Main Problems in Current Translation of Manuals and the Causes-7
4.2 Translation Methods-9
4.3 Strategies for Improvement-13
5. Conclusion-14
Works Cited-15