Lolita is a novel written by Russian-American writer Vladimir Nabokov, which is his most famous novel and also considered as his finest work in English. The novel is remarkable for its controversial subject: the abnormal love between 37-year-old literature professor Humbert Humbert and his 12-year-old adopted daughter Dolores Haze.
This thesis attempts to expound the novel from the perspective of spiritual ecology. It is divided into six parts. The first part is an introduction of the author, the novel and spiritual ecology. The second part is literature review of Lolita. The third part explores the personality and human desire of the main characters to study the manifestation of their spiritual ecology. The forth part focuses on Lolita’s moral disorder. The fifth part explains Humbert and Lolita’s alienation between others and society. In conclusion, through the interpretation of the main characters' spiritual crisis, Nabokov expresses his deep concerns for the human beings and underlies the importance of keeping the health of the whole ecological world.
Keywords: Lolita; spiritual ecology; desire; morality; alienation
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
3. Abnormal Desires-3
3.1 Pursuit of material desire-3
3.2 Indulgence in sexual desire-4
4. Moral Disorder-6
4.1 Improper behavior of adolescents-7
4.2 Indifference from society-8
5. Sense of Alienation-8
5.1 Alienation between people-9
5.2 Alienation between man and society-10
6. Conclusion-11
Works Cited-12