Darwinism is a theory concerned about biological evolution, which is also known as Evolutionary Theory. It was put forward by Charles Darwin in the 19th century, but this theoretical system also includes other social Darwinists’ ideas such as Herbert Spencer and Thomas Henry Huxley and so on. This theory exerted great influence not only on scientific development but also on the literary field. Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy is one good example. This thesis aims to critically explore the influence of social Darwinism on Wessex area, the peasant class and personal fate in the case of “survival of the fittest”.
Keywords: social Darwinism; survival of the fittest; personal fate; the peasant class; rural community
1. Introduction-1
2. Influence of Darwinism on Personal Fate-2
2.1 Comparison among Bathsheba, Boldwood and Oak-2
2.2 Darwinism’s Effect on Personal Fate-5
3. Influence of Darwinism on the Peasant Class-7
3.1 Social Situations of Farmers-7
3.2 Darwinism’s Effect on the Peasant Class-8
4. Influence of Darwinism on the Demise of Rural Southern Area-10
4.1 Brief Introduction of Rural Area-10
4.2 Darwinism’s Effect on its Demise-11
5. Conclusion-12
Works Cited-13