The Hollywood motion picture Kung Fu Panda based on Chinese culture released in 2008 was a great hit across the world. The film with excellent frames, humorous movie lines and vivid dubbing attracts millions of audience within a short time. Some people doubted that the values reflected in the film contradict the traditional Chinese values. However, some people believed that the film was the excellent fruit of the integration of Chinese culture and American culture. In this thesis, all sorts of Chinese elements in the film and the cultural background of the film are analyzed, and differences between Chinese values and American values are discussed in the view of cultural conflicts and cultural convergence. The analysis not only helps enhance the development of our national culture but also plays a significant role in culture communication and multi-culture development.
Key words: Kung Fu Panda; Chinese elements; cultural conflicts; cultural convergence
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
3. Cultural Conflicts in Kung Fu Panda-2
3.1 The Introduction of Kung Fu Panda-2
3.2 The Design of the Characters-3
3.3 Different Images of the Hero-4
3.4 Hierarchy and Equality-5
4. Cultural Convergence in Kung Fu Panda-7
4.1 Christianity and Confucianism-7
4.2 Individualism and Collectivism-8
4.3 The Image of Dragon-8
5. Enlightment to the Development of Chinese Culture-9
5.1 Developing National Culture-9
5.2 Improving Cultural Communication-9
6. Conclusion-10
Works Cited.13