In order to adapt to the development of globalization and cross-cultural communication better, more and more people choose to learn a second language. As the most widely used language in the world, English has been the best choice for second language learning. In China, English has become the students' compulsory subject, while English learning is basically exam-oriented, and cultural knowledge is rarely touched. Culture is diverse and cultural diversity can not be eliminated. Cultural diversity makes the world colorful but simultaneously it brings problems to the communication between countries and makes cross-culture communication become more difficult.
Key words: Globalization; Second Language Learning; Cross-culture Communication
1 Introduction1
2 Background.2
2.1 The Definition of Culture.2
2.2 The Definition of Second Language Learning.3
3 Culture and Language.4
3.1 Language Is the Carrier and Container of Culture.4
3.2 Language Is Influenced and Shaped by Culture5
3.3 The Difference between Chinese Culture and Western Culture6
4 The Importance of Culture Learning in Second Language Learning7
4.1 The Importance of Culture Learning in Words Learning7
4.2 The Importance of Culture Learning in Grammar Learning.10
4.3 The Importance of Culture Learning in Text Writing12
4.4 The Importance of Culture Learning in Everyday Conversation Understanding14
5 Conclusion18