Every single item in this world has its own color, and people’s life is closely linked to color. We often use different kinds of color to describe what we see, and even to express our laughter and sorrow. There is a plenty of color words in Chinese and English, and color words are also widely used in these two languages. However, due to the cultural differences of Chinese and English, people have different understandings of color words. Based on Berlin’s theory about color words and from cross-culture, the thesis has adopted comparative study, document research and examples to answer the three questions: First, what problems are people facing towards color words in their daily life? Second, what similarities and differences do the color words have in Chinese and English? Third, what causes the cultural differences of Chinese and English color words? The research indicates that most of the people recognize the importance of color words in language and culture, but due to the influence from different aspects in Chinese and English, there still exists much misunderstanding of the application of color words, and people now are still facing some obstacles in the cross-cultural communication. So knowing the differences of these color words has some practical significance to the cultural communication.
Key words: Color words; Cultural differences; Chinese and English
1 Introduction-1
1.1 Research Background-1
1.2 Research Purpose-1
1.3 Significance of the Research-2
1.4 Structure of the Dissertation-2
2 Literature Review-4
2.1 Introduction to Color Words.-4
2.1.1 Definition and classification of color words-4
2.1.2 Importance of color words in language and culture-4
2.2 Berlin and Kay’s theory about color words-5
3 Similarities and Differences of Chinese and English Basic Color Words-7
3.1 Red-7
3.2 White-8
3.3 Black-8
3.4 Yellow-9
3.5 Blue-10
3.6 Green-10
3.7 Purple-11
4 Reasons for the cultural differences of Chinese and English Color Words-12
4.1 Differences in cultural tradition and custom-12
4.2 Differences in political background and religion-13
4.3 Ways of thinking and emotional coloring-14
5 Conclusion-17