1.1 A Brief Introduction to the Novelists of Stream of Consciousness: William
Faulkner, Virginia Woolf, Marcel Proust 1
1.1.1 The Social Background Where They Lived In1
1.1.2 Kin 2
1.1.3 Ethnic 3
1.1.4 Social Status4
1.1.5 Educational Background5
1.2 A Brief Introduction to the Stories of Three Compositions of Stream of
Consciousness 6
1.2.1 A Brief Introduction to The Sound and The Fury6
1.2.2 A Brief Introduction to Mrs. Dalloway7
1.2.3 A Brief Introduction to A La Recherche du Temps Perdu7
1.3 The Research Questions7
1.4 The Purpose and the Significance of the Research8
1.5 The Research Methods8
1.5.1 Case Study8
1.5.2 Textual Analysis8
1.5.3 Psychological Methods9
1.5.4 Conclusion9
1.6 Paper Structure10
2. Literature Review11
2.1 Study of Stream of Consciousness Abroad and at Home11
2.1.1 Situation of Study in Foreign Countries11
2.1.2 Situation of Study in China12
2.2 Study of the Novelists of Stream of Consciousness Abroad and at Home13
2.2.1 Situation of Study in Foreign Countries13
2.2.2 Situation of Study in China14
3. Theoretical Framework. 15
3.1 Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis15
3.2 Psychological theories of William James15
3.3 Henri Bergson’s life philosophy16
4. Stream of Consciousness in Three Literary Works17
4.1 Kin in the Compositions17
4.1.1 William Faulkner’s kin in The Sound and The Fury17
4.1.2 Virginia Woolf’s kin in Mrs. Dalloway18
4.1.3 Marcel Proust’s kin in A La Recherche du Temps Perdu19
4.1.4 Conclusion 19
4.2 Ethnic in the Compositions20
4.2.1 William Faulkner’s ethnic in The Sound and The Fury20
4.2.2 Virginia Woolf’s ethnic in Mrs. Dalloway21
4.2.3 Marcel Proust’s ethnic in A La Recherche du Temps Perdu22
4.2.4 Conclusion22
4.3 Social Status in the Compositions23
4.3.1 William Faulkner’s Social Status in The Sound and The Fury23
4.3.2 Virginia Woolf’s Social Status in Mrs. Dalloway24
4.3.3 Marcel Proust’s Social Status in A La Recherche du Temps Perdu25
4.3.4 Conclusion26
4.4 Educational Background in the Compositions26
4.4.1 William Faulkner’s Educational Background in The Sound and The
4.4.2 Virginia Woolf’s Educational Background in Mrs. Dalloway 27
4.4.3 Marcel Proust’s Educational Background in A La Recherche du Temps
4.4.4 Conclusion28
4.5 A Conclusion to above Four Factors in the Compositions29
5. The Research of Characteristics of the Novelists of Stream of
5.1 Attitudes towards Society and People31
5.2 Family with a special kin31
5.3 Ethnic32
5.4 Social Status32
5.5 Educational Background32
5.6 Modes of Thinking33
5.7 Personality33
5.8 Conclusion34
6. The Effects of the Characteristics of the Novelists of Stream of
Consciousness on their Compositions35
6.1 Novelistic Devices35
6.2 The Framework of Story36
6.3 The Characters of the Protagonists36
7. Conclusion 38
References. 39