中文摘要:近年来,中国实践共享经济的互联网新兴企业的数量和规模不断增加,国内共享企业市场在更多的领域范围内加入国际市场成为不可阻挡的趋势。根据商务部发布的中国分享经济市场规模数据表明,进军海外市场逐渐成为企业家关注的焦点。 “一带一路”和中央十三五规划纲要政策的提出将国内共享经济推向一个新的高潮。然而,在这分享经济的浪潮下中国企业仍面临着技术限制,规模差异化和监管不利的风险。因此,通过综合利用PEST与SWOT等战略分析滴滴出行平台海外发展路径,进而评估中国共享企业跨国建设的前景和风险,包括了政策因素,本土化风险 技术限制以及后续发展的风险。 然而,我们可以通过风险评估手段来进行预防,中国互联网新兴共享企业厚积薄发,通过进军海外市场可以获取一定的管理经验以及借助互联网来扩大企业规模,在走上国际化道路上也能寻找到更好的机遇以及相应的解决措施。
1. Introduction-1
1.1 Background of the Study-1
1.2 Significance of the Study-1
1.3 Methodology-2
1.4 Ideas and Framework of the Study-2
2. Literature Review-3
2.1 Foreign Research-3
2.2 Domestic Research-4
3. Current Situation of Chinese Sharing Enterprises’ Overseas Development-6
3.1 Situation of Chinese Sharing Enterprises’ Overseas Development-6
3.2 Risks of Chinese Sharing Enterprises’ Overseas Development-7
3.3 Opportunities brought by Chinese Sharing Enterprises’ Overseas Development-8
4. Analysis of DiDi Taxi Oversea Development-9
4.1 External Environment-9
4.1.1 Analysis of Political and Legal Environment-9
4.1.2 Analysis of Economic Environment-10
4.1.3 Analysis of Social Environment-10
4.1.4 Analysis of Technological Environment-11
4.2 Industrial Environment-11
4.3 Internal Environment-13
4.3.1 Core competencies of DiDi Taxi-13
4.3.2 Overseas Strategy of DiDi Taxi-14
4.4 SWOT Analysis-14
4.4.1 Strengths-15
4.4.2 Weaknesses-15
4.4.3 Opportunities-16
4.4.4 Threats-17
4.5 The Enlightenment for Chinese Multinational Sharing Enterprise Localization-17
5. Conclusion-18