1. Introduction1
2. Definition of Ethics and Myth2
2.1 Definition of Ethics and Myth2
3. Revenge Theme in Chinese and Greek Mythology4
3.1 Revenge in Greek Mythology .4
3.1.1 Revenge for Consanguinity5
3.1.2 Revenge for Power and Honor6
3.1.3 Revenge for Power and love7
3.2 Revenge in China Mythology.8
3.1.1 Revenge from Dead8
3.2.2 Revenge against Nature8
3.2.3 Revenge against Authority9
4. Love and Marriage Themes in Chinese and Greek Mythology10
4.1 Love and Marriage in Greek Mythology ..10
4.1.1 Pursuit of Lust and Madness for L.10
4.1.2 Inequality in Marriage ..11
4.2 Love and Marriage in Chinese Mythology ..11
4.2.1 Consanguineous Marriage ..12
4.2.2 Class Marriage . .13
5. Images of Gods and Heroes in Chinese and Greek Myths15
5.1 Image of Gods and Heroes in Greek Myths15
5.1.1 Humanity15
5.1.2 Pursuit of Individual16
5.2 Image of Gods and Heroes in Chinese Myths16
5.2.1 Divinity16
5.2.2 Pursuit of “Righteousness”16
6. Factors Resulting in the Differences17
6.1 Geography: The conflict between farming civilization and marine civilization.17
6.2 Politics:Moral Education and Human Development.18
6.1 Humanization and Divinity.18
7. Conclusion20