Abstract: The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway’s most famous works and its influences and implications are profound and far-reaching. Since it was published it has been a favorite subject of literary criticism throughout the half-century. Most of the studies are about the theme and the protagonist, but less attention has been paid to the ecological issue in this work. In today’s unprecedented ecological crisis, a rereading of the ecological awareness in the classic work becomes exceptionally important.
This paper aims to analyze and use eco-criticism in The Old Man and the Sea. The main purpose of this thesis is to reveal the harmonious ecological ideas that are hidden between the lines of the novel from man and nature, in terms of harmonious coexistence and man’s attitude towards nature, and from man and man, in terms of harmony between ego and other and between man and ego, to wake up people’s awareness of protecting nature.
Key words: Hemingway;The Old Man and the Sea;eco-criticism; man and nature; man and man
1.Introduction 1
2.A Brief Overview of Eco-Criticism2
2.1 Definition of Eco-Criticism.2
2.2 The Development of Eco-Criticism in the West and China-.3
3.Interpreting The Old Man and the Sea from Eco-Critical Perspective.5
3.1 Harmony between Man and Nature.-.6
3.1.1 Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature -6
3.1.2 Man’s Attitude towards Nature8
3.2 Harmony between Man and Man.10
3.2.1 Harmony between Ego and Other 11
3.2.2 Harmony between Man and Ego.13
4. Conclusion.14
References .16