Abstract: With the increase of China’s international status, China English is more acceptable. Meanwhile, in various forms, China English has push the development of English and especially enriched English vocabulary. And a new language form through network called network language subtly influences China English. This paper attempts to analyze China English’s influence on English vocabulary through network in the field of network language. The paper not only gives the introduction of Chinese network language from the aspects of development, features and formations, but also analyzes Chinese network language’s influence on English vocabulary on the formation of English vocabulary, the variety of English vocabulary and its future in order to indicate China English’s influence on English vocabulary through network.
Keywords: China English; network language; English vocabulary; influence
1. Introduction-1
1.1 Previous Study on China English-1
1.2 Previous Study on Network Language-3
2. Network Language in China-5
2.1 Development of Chinese Network Language-5
2.2 Features of Chinese Network Language-7
2.3 Formations of Chinese Network Language-9
3. China English’s Influence on English Vocabulary through Network-11
3.1 Influence on the Formation of English Vocabulary-11
3.2 Influence on the Variety of English Vocabulary-13
3.3 Influence on the Future of English Vocabulary-16
4. Conclusion-18