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  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2017-10-09
  • 论文字数:8308
  • 课题出处:(梦溪)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文


Abstract: In the field of ecological literature, nature, society and spirit have always been the focus of research. When the environment is deteriorating, people are more inclined to find reason and solution from the nature itself and the progress of science and technology. However, people ignore the crucial aspect of spiritual ecology. According to the description of Moby Dick, the whalers take extreme exploitation of marine resources, which is also a true portrayal of we exploit natural resources excessively now. This paper starts with the description of ecological criticism, combining the character and destiny change, analyzes the causes of the tragedy, in the meanwhile, reveals the essence of modern ecological crisis and intends to helps people out of the misunderstanding of Anthropocentrism.


Key words: Moby Dick; spiritual eco-criticism ; Anthropocentrism; redemption






1.1 Herman Melville-1

1.2 The Hostility between Ahab and Moby Dick-2

1.3 The Research Status of Moby Dick-3

2. Spiritual Eco-criticism-4

2.1 Development of Spiritual Eco-criticism-4

2.2 The Influence of Spiritual Eco-criticism on People’s Mental World-5

3. A Spiritual Eco-critical Analysis of Moby Dick-9

3.1 The Transformation of Ahab’s Character and His Revenge-9

3.2 The Destruction of Both Ahab and Moby Dick-10

3.3 The Message of Ishmael’s Lucky Survival-12



