Abstract: Post-colonial theory emerged in the middle 20th century. Naipaul is considered as one of the most prominent post-colonial writers, and his works are undoubtedly worth reading if one is to study post-colonial and immigrational literature. "Miguel Street" is the first work of Naipaul as post-colonial literature which precisely shapes a number of people who live in a marginalized world, and it mainly reveals the people who live under the colonial rules and face a cultural identity crisis. Combined with post-colonial theory, this paper briefly analyzes post-colonialism in Naipaul’s work from the perspective of female, political and cultural predicaments, and identity building.
Key words: Naipaul; Miguel Street; post-colonialism; identity crisis
1.1Introduction of V.S.Naipaul-5
1.2Introduction of Miguel Street-7
2.The Study of Post Colonialism-8
2.1Introduction of Post Colonialism Theory-8
2.2The Hybrid Theory-9
2.3Feminism and Post Colonalism-10
3.Struggles Under Multiple Contradictory Predicaments in Miguel street-11
3.1Female’s Predicaments-11
3.2Political Predicament-14
3.3Cultural Predicament-15
4.Identity Building in "The Third Space"-17
4.1The Cognition of the Uncertain Identity-17
4.2General Abandon of Indian Identity and Mimicry of the West-19
4.3The Rebuilding of the Uncertain Identity-21
5. Conclusion-23