Abstract: Edward Morgan Forster is one of the most significant British novelists in the 20th century. His novel A Room with a View is regarded as his lightest and most optimistic works. This paper attempts to interpret the novel from the perspective of Bildungsroman. It first analyzes the heroine Lucy’s growth process from submission to dilemma, and to awakening through a journey, and then it explores the contributing factors for her growth. The exotic view outside the room, the right mentor and her free and untrammeled passion are the major factors contributing to her final awakening.
Key Words: A Room with a View; Lucy; growing journey; contributing factors
1. Introduction-1
2. Lucy’s Growing Journey in A Room with a View-5
2.1 Lucy’s Submission to the Patriarchal Society-5
2.2 Lucy’s Dilemma-8
2.3 Lucy’s Awakening-11
3. Contributing Factors for Lucy’s Growth in the Novel-14
3. 1 Exotic View outside the Room-14
3.2 The Right Mentor to Maturity-17
3.3 The Free and Untrammeled Passion-19
4. Conclusion-21