Abstract: The female Gothic novels flourished in 18th century, among them,and Wuthering Heights is a typical representative. Thus, Wuthering Heights possesses the typical characteristics of the female Gothic novels, in terms of the settings, suspense manufacturing and classic characters. Meanwhile, Emily Bronte, the author, from the female perspective, broke the tradition of Gothic novels, and added female consciousness to the novel. From the perspective of Female Gothic, by analyzing the Gothic background, the Gothic events and the main characters in the novel, this paper intends to explore the enduring enchantment of female Gothic in this novel.
Key words: Wuthering Heights; Female Gothic; settings; Gothic events; suspense; classic characters;female consciousness
1.Introduction 1
1.1 Emily Bronte and Wuthering Heights-1
1.2 The Female Gothic-2
2. The Female Gothic Setting in Wuthering Heights-4
2.1The Gothic Mansion and Its Surrounding-4
2.2 The Climate-5
3. The Female Gothic Events and Suspense-5
3.1 The Deaths of the Characters-6
3.2 The Ghosts of Catherine and Heathcliff-7
3.3 Violence in the Female Gothic Mansion-9
3.4 Suspense in the Love Story-11
4. The Main Characters in Wuthering Heights-12
4.2Victimized Female---Catherine-15
4.3Independent Heroine---Isabella & Cathy-19
5. Conclusion. 22