Abstract: This paper mainly focuses on the racism of the black people through the shallow analysis of the movie Crash. Nowadays, the world is merging and the exchanges between the various ethnic groups are constantly sublimating, Which tends to make the living environment and humanistic spirit of the whole human being better. In this era, racial discrimination is a big cancer, which hinders integration and common progress, enlarging gaps between the people and making society fall apart. The people who implement it are justified and the suffering people are miserable. The racial discrimination against blacks in this thesis is only the tip of the iceberg. In the scope of where human live in, such problems will be much more than we can imagine and count. This issue should be faced up and solutions should be adopted with joint effort.
Key words : Crash; Blacks; Racial Discrimination; Face Up
I. Main Conflicts in Crash-3
A. The Conflict between Black and White Man-3
1. The White Official Couple Vs the Black Locksmith-3
2. About the White Police Officer -3
3. About the Black Director -4
B. Conflicts between Black and Other Ethnic Groups-4
1. Korean and Mexican-4
2. Locksmith and Persian Immigrant Grocery Store Owner-5
II. Aspects of Racial Discrimination against Black People -7
A. Policy-7
B. Economy-7
C. Housing-8
D. Education-9