[英语论文] 浅谈全球金融危机影响下的广交会现状与发展_英语论文.doc
The global financial crisis has caused incalculable losses and effect to the world economy. Most countries can’t recover completely from the crisis in a short time. The trend of world’s economy globalization develops quickly. Science and...
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[英语论文] 浅谈美国俚语的特征_英语论文.doc
“It is impossible to acquire a thorough knowledge of English(or of any other language, for that matter)without being familiar with slang and vulgarism. Whoever is uninitiated will be at a loss to understand many of the masterpieces of...
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[英语论文] 论约翰邓恩《跳蚤》中的玄学思想_英语论文.doc
The Flea is one of the most original and classic love poems of John Donne. It is also one of the most popular poems of John Donne. In this poem, conceit is used as an instrument of expression to enrich the meaning of the poem...
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[英语论文] 连词的用法及翻译_英语论文.doc
Conjunctions serve to connect words, groups of words, phrases, clauses, sentences or even passages and, at the same time, express some kind of logical relationship between what they connect. (Xu Liwu, 1988:347) They can be divided into two c...
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[英语论文] 从经济角度分析广交会上的出口贸易现状_英语论文.doc
The style of trade in Canton Fair is flexible and diverse. In addition to the traditional transactions after having a look at the view samples, there is also online Fair. Canton Fair mainly focuses on export, and import as well. It has also ...
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[英语论文] 词缀法对词汇记忆的影响_英语论文.doc
The so-called affixes word formation refers to the use of affixes to constitute a new word. There are two categories of affixes: affixes added before the word or roots are called Prefixes; those after the word or root are called Suffixes. In...
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[英语论文] 《围城》英译本成语翻译策略研究_英语论文.doc
In addition, the thesis is just a study of “the product” or the text, ignoring the process of idiom translation in the novel. The absence of the then-and-there purposes of the two translators in choosing one specific strategy rather than...
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[英语论文] 用人格理论解读《化身博士》中杰基尔的双重人格_英语论文.doc
Dr. Jekyll, the story protagonist was a knowledgeable, respected celebrity who had extraordinary ability and was respected by people. But in his inner heart, there were false solemn expressions, and he must hide and...
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[英语论文] 英语专业教育实习调查研究_英语论文.doc
However, the most prevailing form of practice the students will engage in is educational practice arranged by the school. Educational practice, as an important part of the teacher education, has a large proportion of the course. ...
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[英语论文] 英语灾难新闻标题的语法和词汇特点分析_英语论文.doc
As we know that news headline plays an important role in a news report for it is the reflection of what the news is about. To some degree, a piece of good news headline itself is an item of short news. It is designed to show its unique chara...
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[英语论文] 对《麦田的守望者》中Holden叛逆性格的分析_英语论文.doc
The Catcher in the Rye is a narrative autobiography which tells the story of the leading character Holden Caulfield, a teenager who was expelled from school on account of his poor performance. Holden was born in a rich middle-class family. H...
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[英语论文] 动态对等理论在英语电影字翻译中应用--功夫熊猫2为例_英语论文.doc
In recent years, translators at home and abroad have become increasingly interested in the translation subtitles of foreign movies. Meanwhile those movies imported from English-speaking countries can only be translated in the way that can be...
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[英语论文] 《远大前程》中的圣经原型研究_英语论文.doc
Dickens suffered too much reality of the society. Because of his hard working, there were many famous works written by him. Great Expectations that was created between 1860 and 1861 is one of his representive works. Standing as one of the mo...
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[英语论文] 《喜福会》中东西文化的冲突_英语论文.doc
The novel The Joy Luck Club was written by Amy Tan, a famous Chinese-American writer. Amy Tan’s mother had fled China and left behind three daughters before the Kuomintang was defeated and driven from the mainland to Taiwan in 1949....
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[英语论文] 《丁登寺》与《归园田居》中的自然观比较分析_英语论文.doc
Wordsworth is the most outstanding poet of the "Lake Poets" in British literature history. In 1789, Wordsworth and Coleridge cooperated to finish and publish the Lyrical Ballads which declared the birth of new romantic poetry. Many poets wri...
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[英语论文] 中英文化视角下颜色词黑白的翻译_英语论文.doc
Color words existed in every corner of the world. They have meaningful intension and play a very important role between Chinese and English culture. They contain different national features because people...
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[英语论文] 中式菜肴名称的英译探讨_英语论文.doc
China is known as the “Cuisine Kingdom in the World”, because Chinese cooking has a long history, and Chinese cuisine is very famous in the world now. Chinese food is diverse, and there are mainly eight traditional cuisines, including cu...
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[英语论文] 用人格结构理论解读《红字》中海丝特·白兰的性格特征_英语论文.doc
In terms of Hawthorne’s professional career, he has achieved a great success. He was preoccupied with writing and formally published his maiden work in 1837 , which were two volumes of short stories called Twice—Told Tales. Afterwards, H...
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[英语论文] 英语政治委婉语的特点及其交际功能_英语论文.doc
Many scholars have studied this phenomenon from various aspects, such as its definition, classification, interpretation and so on. Euphemism, as an indispensable and natural part of the English language,it is important in keeping daily commu...
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[英语论文] 英语化妆品平面广告的词汇特点_英语论文.doc
In this chapter, something about the research will be introduced. The first part is a brief introduction of advertisement. The second part lists some previous researches on advertising language, both abroad and at home. The third and fourth ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:9837 更新日期:2014-12-16