Abstract:Food is more likely a spreading vector of culture in different ethnic, national, and race under a globalized world. Chinese food is a treasure of the Chinese culture. Because the countries and regions of the world have their own cuisines and customs, the way to make cuisine names between China and western counties has a great difference. Chinese cuisines focus on not only the dishes making process, but also the name of cuisines. A graceful cuisine name often taking allusions, metaphor and exaggeration for making it looks nice and visualized. Therefore, we should be fully aware of the differences when we translate the names of the Chinese cuisines.
The purpose of this paper is to combine the practice of translation to explore the methods with skills of cuisine translation, research on the principles of Chinese cuisine translation, and put forward the corresponding translation principles according to the purpose of Chinese cuisine translation. The translators will pay attention to the communication function and the needs of recipient by dynamic equivalence with concise description, so we can make foreigners recognize the Chinese culture when they read the menu for spreading of Chinese culture.
Keywords: Chinese cuisine; Principle of English translation; Culture differences; Dynamic equivalence
摘要: 中国菜是我国悠久文化的瑰宝之一。在全球化的今天, 餐饮也是最容易在不同民族、国家、人种中传播文化的载体。由于中西方饮食文化的差异,中西菜肴命名方式有较大的差异。中国的菜肴不仅注重色香味俱全,而且菜名讲究,往往采用典故、比喻、夸张、象征等各种方式,因此,中式菜肴英译时应充分意识到这种差异。